My preprints and publications can be found below, along with links to supplemental materials and videos of talks. My Ph.D. thesis, “Unconventional symmetry breaking in strongly correlated systems” is available here. Alternatively, my work can also be found on Google Scholar or the arxiv.

Crystal structure of MnTe
Collinear Altermagnets and their Landau Theories
Hana Schiff, Paul McClarty, Jeffrey G. Rau, Judit Romhànyi
arxiv:2412.18025 (pdf)
Magnon bands in MnF2
Observing Altermagnetism using Polarized Neutrons
Paul A. McClarty, Arsen Gukasov, Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review B 111, L060405 (2025) Letter  arxiv:2410.10771 (pdf, talk)
Dynamical structure factor of La2CuO4
Magnon Spectra of Cuprates beyond Spin Wave Theory
Jiahui Bao, Matthias Gohlke, Jeffrey G. Rau, Nic Shannon
Physical Review Research 7, L012053 (2025) Letter  arxiv:2407.20501 (pdf)
INS data on K2IrCl6
Pulling order back from the brink of disorder: Observation of a nodal line spin liquid and fluctuation stabilized order in K2IrCl6
Qiaochu Wang, Alberto de la Torre, Jose A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Andrey A. Podlesnyak, Wei Tian, Adam A. Aczel, Masaaki Matsuda, Philip J. Ryan, Jong-Woo Kim, Jeffrey G. Rau, Kemp W. Plumb
To appear in Physical Review X  arxiv:2407.17559 (pdf, talk1, talk2)
Magnetic Structure of Na2PrO3
Unraveling the magnetic ground-state in alkali-metal lanthanide oxide Na2PrO3
Ifeanyi John Onuorah, Jonathan Frassineti, Qiaochu Wang, Muhammad Maikudi Isah, Pietro Bonfa, Jeffrey G. Rau, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, A. I. Kolesnikov, Vesna F. Mitrovic, Samuele Sanna, Kemp W. Plumb
Physical Review B 110, 26901 (2024) Editors' Suggestion  arxiv:2407.12935 (pdf)
Anomalous excitation at low energy
Synthesis and characterization of the novel breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Tm2Zn5O11
Lalit Yadav, Rabindranath Bag, Ramesh Dhakal, Stephen M. Winter, Jeffrey G. Rau, Alexander I. Kolesnikov, Andrey A. Podlesnyak, Craig M. Brown, Nicholas P. Butch, David Graf, Michel J.P. Gingras, Sara Haravifard
Physical Review Materials 8, 123401 (2024)  arxiv:2407.00222 (pdf)
Phase diagram of the square lattice Heisenberg compass model
Ground state properties of the Heisenberg-compass model on the square lattice
Subhankar Khatua, Griffin C. Howson, Michel J. P. Gingras, Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review B 110, 104426 (2024)  arxiv:2404.02196 (pdf)
Spin-split Fermi surface in an altermagnet
Landau Theory of Altermagnetism
Paul A. McClarty and Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review Letters 132, 176702 (2024) Editors' Suggestion PRL 2024 Collection  arxiv:2308.04484 (pdf, talk)
Pseudo-Goldstone Gap vs. Temperature
Pseudo-Goldstone modes and dynamical gap generation from order-by-thermal-disorder
Subhankar Khatua, Michel J. P. Gingras, Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review Letters 130, 266702 (2023)  arxiv:2301.11948 (pdf, supp)
Square ice with hot and cold thermal baths
Thermal Conductivity of Square Ice
Ruairidh Sutcliffe and Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review B 105, 104405 (2022)  arxiv:2111.14872 (pdf, talk)
Cuts of inelastic neutron scattering intensity on BYZO
Towards understanding the magnetic properties of the breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11: A single crystal study
Sachith Dissanayake, Zhenzhong Shi, Jeffrey G. Rau, Rabindranath Bag, William Steinhardt, Nicholas P. Butch, Matthias Frontzek, Andrey Podlesnyak, David Graf, Casey Marjerrison, Jue Liu, Michel J.P. Gingras, Sara Haravifard
npj Quantum Materials 7, 77 (2022)  arxiv:2111.06293 (pdf)
Majorana-Fermi surface in cross electric and magnetic field
Magnetoelectric generation of a Majorana-Fermi surface in Kitaev's honeycomb model
Rajas Chari, Roderich Moessner, Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review B 103, 134444 (2021)  arxiv:2010.11200 (pdf, talk)
Location of Yb2Ge2O7 near the Gamma5-SFM phase boundary
Unravelling competing microscopic interactions at a phase boundary: a single crystal study of the metastable antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Yb2Ge2O7
C. L. Sarkis, Jeffrey G. Rau, L. D. Sanjeewa, M. Powell, J. Kolis, J. Marbey, S. Hill, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, H. S. Nair, M. J. P. Gingras, K.A. Ross
Physical Review B 102, 134418 (2020)  arxiv:1912.09448 (pdf)
Inelastic neutron scattering of CdYb2Se4
Multi-phase competition in quantum XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet CdYb2Se4: zero and applied magnetic field study
K. Guratinder, Jeffrey G. Rau, V. Tsurkan, C. Ritter, J. Embs, T. Fennell, H. C. Walker, M. Medarde, T. Shang, A. Cervellino, Ch. Rüegg, O. Zaharko
Physical Review B 100, 094420 (2019)  arxiv:1908.09510 (pdf)
Spectral function of non-Hermitian Dirac magnons
Non-Hermitian topology of spontaneous magnon decay
Paul A. McClarty and Jeffrey G. Rau
Physical Review B 100, 100405 (2019) Rapid Comm.  arxiv:1904.02160 (pdf)
Magnon spectrum of Yb2Ti2O7
Magnon interactions in the frustrated pyrochlore ferromagnet Yb2Ti2O7
Jeffrey G. Rau, Roderich Moessner and Paul A. McClarty
Physical Review B 100, 104423 (2019)  arxiv:1903.05098 (pdf)
Illustration of the breathing pyrochlore lattice
Behavior of the breathing pyrochlore lattice Ba3Yb2Zn5O11 in applied magnetic field
Jeffrey G. Rau, L. S. Wu, A. F. May, A. E. Taylor, I-Lin Liu, J. Higgins, N. P. Butch, K. A. Ross, H. S. Nair, M. D. Lumsden, M. J. P. Gingras and A. D. Christianson
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 455801 (2018)  arxiv:1809.05131 (pdf)
Tetrahedron with symmetry planes
Frustrated quantum rare-earth pyrochlores
Jeffrey G. Rau and Michel J. P. Gingras
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 10, 357-386 (2019)  arxiv:1806.09638 (tutorial, lecture part 1, part 2)
Broken U(1) symmetry by order-by-disorder and types of pseudo-Goldstone modes
Pseudo-Goldstone modes and order-by-quantum-disorder in frustrated magnets
Jeffrey G. Rau, Paul A. McClarty, Roderich Moessner
Physical Review Letters 121, 237201 (2018)  arxiv:1805.00947 (pdf, supp, public talk)
Topological chiral edge magnons in a Kitaev magnet
Topological Magnons in Kitaev Magnets at High Fields
P. A. McClarty, X.-Y. Dong, M. Gohlke, Jeffrey G. Rau, F. Pollmann, R. Moessner, K. Penc
Physical Review B 98, 060404(R) (2018) Editors' Suggestion Rapid Comm.  arxiv:1802.04283 (pdf, supp)
Pyrochlore spinel lattice with inequivalent bonds coloured
Frustration and anisotropic exchange in ytterbium magnets with edge-shared octahedra
Jeffrey G. Rau and Michel J. P. Gingras
Physical Review B 98, 054408 (2018)  arxiv:1802.03024 (pdf, talk)
Phase diagram of spin ice thin films as a function of orphan bond exchange
Spin ice thin films: Large-N theory and Monte Carlo simulations
Etienne Lantagne-Hurtubise, Jeffrey G. Rau and Michel J. P. Gingras
Physical Review X 8, 8747 (2018)  arxiv:1709.00012 (pdf)
Magnetic torque in Na2IrO3 as a function of magnetic field strength and tilt angle
Magnetic anisotropy of the alkali iridate Na2IrO3 at high magnetic fields: Evidence for strong ferromagnetic Kitaev correlations
S. D. Das, S. Kundu, Z. Zhu, E. Mun, R. D. McDonald, G. Li, L. Balicas, A. McCollam, G. Cao, Jeffrey G. Rau, H.-Y. Kee, V. Tripathi, and S. E. Sebastian
Physical Review B 99, 081101(R) (2019) Rapid Comm.  arxiv:1708.03235 (pdf)
Feynmann diagram for scattering a photon to two spinons and an emergent photon in quantum spin ice
Fingerprints of quantum spin ice in Raman scattering
Jianlong Fu, Jeffrey G. Rau, Michel J. P. Gingras and Natalia B. Perkins
Physical Review B 96, 14942 (2017)  arxiv:1703.03836 (pdf)
An example of a spin slush ground state
Spin slush in an extended spin ice model
Jeffrey G. Rau and Michel J. P. Gingras
Nature Communications 7, 12234 (2016)  arxiv:1603.02683 (pdf, supp, mov1, mov2, talk, press)
Crystal structure of Ba3Yb2Zn5O11
Anisotropic exchange within decoupled tetrahedra in the quantum breathing pyrochlore Ba3Yb2Zn5O11
Jeffrey G. Rau, L. S. Wu, A. F. May, L. Poudel, B. Winn, V. O. Garlea, A. Huq, P. Whitfield, A. E. Taylor, M. D. Lumsden, M. J. P. Gingras, and A. D. Christianson
Physical Review Letters 116, 257204 (2016)  arxiv:1601.04104 (pdf, supp, talk)
Theoretical neutron scattering intensity in a generalized dipolar spin ice model for Dy2Ti2O7
Refrustration and competing orders in the prototypical Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice material
P. Henelius, T. Lin, M. Enjalran, Z. Hao, Jeffrey G. Rau, J. Altosaar, F. Flicker, T. Yavors'kii, M. J. P. Gingras
Physical Review B 93, 24402 (2016)  arxiv:1512.05361 (pdf)
Illustration of the opening of the pseudo-Goldstone gap via virtual crystal field fluctuations in Er2Ti2O7
Order by virtual crystal field fluctuations in pyrochlore XY antiferromagnets
Jeffrey G. Rau, Sylvain Petit and Michel J.P. Gingras
Physical Review B 93, 184408 (2016)  arxiv:1510.04292 (pdf)
Illustration of the spin (red/blue) and charge (surface) distributions of a spin-orbital entangled atomic orbital
Spin-Orbit Physics Giving Rise to Novel States in Correlated Systems
Jeffrey G. Rau, Eric Kin-Ho Lee and Hae-Young Kee
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 7, 195-221 (2016)  arxiv:1507.06323
Illustration of exchange paths in a triangular Kitaev material
Magnetic Orders Proximal to the Kitaev Limit in Frustrated Triangular Systems: Application to Ba3IrTi2O9
Andrei Catuneanu, Jeffrey G. Rau, Heung-Sik Kim, and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review B 92, 165108 (2015)  arxiv:1507.06307 (pdf)
Phase diagram of a hyper-honeycomb generalized Kitaev model
Two iridates, two models, two approaches: a comparative study on magnetism in 3D honeycomb materials
Eric Kin-Ho Lee, Jeffrey G. Rau and Yong Baek Kim
Physical Review B 93, 184420 (2016)  arxiv:1506.06746 (pdf)
Phase diagram showing the Gamma5 and splayed ferromagnet boundary and illustrations of the psi2, psi3 and ferromagnetic spin configurations
Are multiphase competition and order-by-disorder the keys to understanding Yb2Ti2O7?
L.D.C. Jaubert, Owen Benton, Jeffrey G. Rau, J. Oitmaa, R.R.P. Singh, Nic Shannon, Michel J.P. Gingras
Physical Review Letters 115, 267208 (2015)  arxiv:1505.05499 (pdf, supp)
Neutron scattering intensity for nearest neighbour spin ice showing pinch points
Magnitude of quantum effects in classical spin ice
Jeffrey G. Rau and Michel J. P. Gingras
Physical Review B 92, 144417 (2015)  arxiv:1503.04808 (pdf)
Phase diagram of a generalized Kitaev model including trigonal distortion
Trigonal distortion in the honeycomb iridates: Proximity of zigzag and spiral phases in Na2IrO3
Jeffrey G. Rau and Hae-Young Kee
Unpublished  arxiv:1408.4811
Phase diagram of a generalized Kitaev model relevant for honeycomb iridates and ruthenates
Generic spin model for the honeycomb iridates beyond the Kitaev limit
Jeffrey G. Rau, Eric Kin-Ho Lee and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review Letters 112, 32388 (2014)  arxiv:1310.7940 (pdf, supp, talk1, talk2)
Illustration of the emergent flux configuration in a hybridized ground state in a model of Pr2Ir2O7
Symmetry breaking via hybridization with conduction electrons in frustrated Kondo lattices
Jeffrey G. Rau and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review B 89, 075128 (2014)  arxiv:1306.5749 (pdf)
Phase diagram of a one-dimensional model intended to capture some of the physics of the rare-earth nickelates
Ordering and criticality in an underscreened Kondo chain
Wing-Ho Ko, Hong-Chen Jiang, Jeffrey G. Rau, Leon Balents
Physical Review B 87, 205107 (2013) Editors' Suggestion  arxiv:1301.3538 (pdf)
Tight-binding Fermi surfaces for the hidden order compound URu2Si2
Hidden and antiferromagnetic order as a rank-5 superspin in URu2Si2
Jeffrey G. Rau and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review B 85, 245112 (2012)  arxiv:1203.1047 (pdf)
Unitcell of FeCrAs
Hidden spin liquid in an antiferromagnet: Applications to FeCrAs
Jeffrey G. Rau and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review B 84, 104448 (2011)  arxiv:1107.1002 (pdf)
Phase diagram of a Pd[(dmit)2] organic salt as a function of temperature and pressure
Emergence of Superconductivity, Valence Bond Order, and Mott Insulators in Pd[(dmit)2] Based Organic Salts
Jeffrey G. Rau and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review Letters 106, 23813 (2011)  arxiv:1007.5320 (pdf)
Fermi surfaces of a tight-binding model of Sr3Ru2O7 with and without nematic order
Microscopic route to nematicity in Sr3Ru2O7
Christoph M. Puetter, Jeffrey G. Rau, and Hae-Young Kee
Physical Review B 81, 081105(R) (2010) Rapid Comm.  arxiv:0909.4545 (pdf)